Fifth Grade Mrs Diffley

Left to Right:

(First Row) Russ Albano, Steven D, Doug Hover, Anne Bouey, Durand Garia, Elaine Idiart, Derryk Tom, Bobby Matthews, Mark Peschiera

(Second Row) F-?, M-?, Chris Romo, Mary M, Leslie McLaggan, Timi Gleason

(Third Row) Danny Smith, Patti Chisea, Angela Ferrari, Bob Vorhis, Margo R, Sharon McGowan, Dennis Maloney

(Fourth Row) Katy S, Klaus Hoffman, Dorothy G, Romie Carrara, Colleen M, David Spinelli, Tina Kipp, Kerry Dowling, Kathy Dunsing

(Fifth Row) Pat Walsh, Sharon Cronin, Mark Torassa, Margaret B, Bill Mulvihill, Joyce K, John Holbrook, Marie Etchecopar, Tom Lavelle

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